The Christ Driven Woman Podcast

Are you a female entrepreneur who wants to thrive in pursuit of God’s plan for you? The Christ-Driven Woman is a podcast made especially for business-minded women, whether you consider yourself a beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur. Join Business & Life Coach Charisse Burton as she teaches you how to achieve success in business while honoring Christ in your practices. Charisse’s proven methods have taught many women how to serve others more effectively and build their ideal businesses, and she is excited to embark on this journey with you too! You are created for far more than you could possibly ask or imagine! Are you ready to join other Christ-driven women and grow into your purpose, both professionally and spiritually? Connect with Charisse down below! Charisse’s Personal Site: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Patreon:

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5 days ago

Have you ever felt yourself on the verge of experiencing tremendous personal growth? Are you at a point in your life where you hear God calling you to grow? In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse discusses the concept of a “quantum leap,” which can be described as an astronomical amount of growth that can sometimes happen suddenly, but not always. Oftentimes, when we are pursuing growth in an area of our lives, we expect the change to happen immediately. And yet, even the definition of a quantum leap tells us that this change doesn’t always occur instantaneously. Charisse encourages listeners to seek the guidance of the Lord before pursuing a quantum leap, and reminds us of the following:
We must listen to the calling of God, because if the quantum leap that we hope for is not in line with God’s plans for us, our efforts will be fruitless
You will attain the desired success in your quantum leap when it adheres to God’s timing and glorifies Him in the process
When we choose to take the leap, we must also make the decision to stay in that motivated mindset, even when the results haven’t happened yet
Always remain patient in what God is calling you towards — it is often the patience that is the hardest part
Have you yet asked God about the direction that He wants to take you? If you are experiencing stagnant growth and want to glorify the Lord in your life, take some time to pray and listen for His calling. We as daughters of the King are called to be an example of God’s love, and our lives are meant to give others the desire to love God as well. When you know that the Lord has said “Yes” to your quantum leap, stay consistent and patient, regardless of seeing immediate results. In due time, you will experience the growth that God wants for you, and He will be magnified in the process.  Galatians 6:9-10 tells us exactly that.  Paul reminds us in that passage to not grow weary of doing good and at the right time we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up. 
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse is joined by guest Lisa Drennon, a wealth-activator and founder of “I Date Money.” Lisa strongly believes that “It doesn’t matter how much money you have, it’s what you do with it,” and she has the goal of teaching women to fall head over heels in love with money. But what does she mean by this? Doesn’t the Bible tell us that the love of money is the root of all evil? Charisse and Lisa address this question and discuss their individual “money identities,” advising listeners of the following:
Putting anything above God—which includes money, our careers, and even our families—is what becomes wrong
We need money to survive, and money in the hands of good people can do amazing things
When you aren’t in a scarcity-mindset with your finances, you are better able to help and support others
We have the ability to love money in a way that is freeing, joyful, and helpful—without making money an idol
There are many women today who may experience fear when it comes to making and spending money, which is in turn wreaking havoc on their confidence and sense of identity, and blocking them from getting to the next stage in their business. By following Lisa’s model and sitting down and “dating money,” you will be better able to track your assets and take accountability of your finances, creating a stable and “loving” money identity. Deuteronomy 8:18 tells us that the Lord has given us the ability to gain wealth, and Charisse and Lisa remind us that it is our responsibility to use our money to bless others and glorify God. Yet in order to use our finances to the benefit of the Kingdom, we must first learn how to establish a responsible, resourceful and healthy relationship with them.
To connect with Lisa Drennon and find out more about her work, check out:
I Date Money | Wealth Activation
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

As always, Charisse is focused on your identity in Christ.  Today she talks about it in terms of how you sell your service or product. 
Many times we make it harder than it needs to be simply because we are believing thoughts that are not true.  
She gives the example of how we tell people about our favorite restaurant.  We never think about the fact that we are really selling it.  We don’t feel bad or question sharing that amazing place to eat or think, I hope they don’t think I’m being too pushy.
Charisse also explains how a “sales mentality” is being more concerned about yourself and what others will think rather than about serving and providing the solution for someone who is praying for their problem to be solved.
No one is perfect but we are striving to get more aligned on a daily basis. Charisse reminds us how our identity affects everything in our lives, including how we approach selling. 
What thoughts do you have when you think about selling? Or when you are in a sales conversation?  Are they serving you?  Are they hindering you?  Are those thoughts in alignment with who God says you are? 
The more we dig into our relationship with God and find those thoughts that are not from him, the better we can serve our Dream Client. 
Think of 1 thought that is not serving you when it comes to sales.  Ask yourself, would God be saying this to me? 
Find scriptures that disprove that thought that is not from him. Find scripture that reminds you of the truth.
Charisse shares a “cheat” she uses to find scriptures quickly and easily that will allow you to anchor yourself to your identity in Christ! 
Serving the way God created us to, with the gift he gave us, requires courage, boldness, and belief. That is the only way we will ever reach the fullest capacity for which he made us. 
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday May 28, 2024

What kinds of things come to mind when you think about money? Do you begin to feel anxious, fearful, or even envious? In today’s episode, Charisse speaks on “money identity,” and shares her own experience of fear and anxiety when it came to making money. Your money identity is simply how you perceive and react to money without even realizing it. It is essential to understand your own perception of money, whether you are a business owner, a corporate employee, a mother, or all of the above. Charisse reminds us of the following:
Our internalized identities affect all areas of our lives, including our management of money
God gave us the ability to create wealth, but when our money identity is one of scarcity, lack, and fear, we quickly establish an unhealthy relationship with the money we make
If your money identity is not aligned with Christ and only dependent on yourself, you will get to a point in your business where you will hit a wall and begin to self-sabotage
When we are holding onto false identities, it limits our ability to walk closer to God and fully live in royalty as daughters of the King
If you are ready to improve your relationship with money, take some time to quiet down and ask the Lord, “What is my identity with money?” It is then that you can ask Him, “Where did that identity start?,” and begin to undo unhealthy patterns that are preventing you from moving to the next level in your business, increasing your income, or using your money in a way that allows you peace and glorifies God.
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Have you ever believed a lie about your identity, despite knowing what God really says about you? Has negative self-talk ever steered you away from an area in which God was calling you? In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse brings us back to the foundation of how we grow, and reminds listeners that we must attack the enemy’s lies with Godly truth. Your identity dictates your perception, which then flows into every area of your life. But just as a negative or false self-identity can harm your personal life and business pursuits, an identity rooted in God can be a catalyst for things you never thought possible.
But if you don’t know what it means to be fully walking in the identity that God gave you, how do you know where to start? To answer this, Charisse shares what she believes to be the four most important areas of growth and belief in identity and business. 
What you believe about God
What you believe about yourself
What you believe about your job or offer
What you believe about your dream client and those you’re called to serve
These four essential tenets will make or break your success in your personal and professional life, because the answers to them all stem from your perception of your identity. Charisse reminds us that you will never grow past what you believe you can achieve, but the good news is, the only barrier is your own self doubt. It isn’t just about being a positive person, but about knowing why you can be positive: because you have a loving Father who sees you, calls you by name, and gives you everything you need to achieve BIG! 
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday May 14, 2024

In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse is joined by guest Stacey Prinzing Townley. Stacey is a speaker and course-creator who inspires women to connect with their Divine Design so they are able to align their daily decisions with their God-given purpose and create a living legacy. She shares her story of discovering her divinely created identity, and reminds listeners of the following truths:
When you find yourself being overworked and constantly striving, and you are being met with chaos and confusion, then you may not be living into the identity that God has for you.
You will experience peace and ease when you are walking in step with your Divine Design.
Your life is God’s story to write, so step closer to Christ, hand over the pen, and let Him take over.
The enemy is going to use your own negative thoughts to derail you from your divine purpose, so use Scripture to remind yourself of your worth as a child of God.
If you find yourself confused about your own Divine Design, Stacey and Charisse encourage you to focus first on aligning your choices and decisions with ones that honor Christ. Take a close look at your life and ask yourself: “Are the choices I’m making in alignment with the legacy that God has placed on my heart?” When we strive towards a goal or an identity that is not rooted in God’s design, we will only find ourselves exhausted. Instead, we must listen and look out for God’s unique direction for us, which will provide peace in place of confusion. 
Connect with Stacey through the link below!
Stacey Prinzing Townley - Facebook
Connect with Charisse through the resources below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Do you ever argue with God? 
Is it hard for you to see past the lies you’ve been believing about yourself to the truth of who God created you to be? 
Do you see your future through the lens of a false identity? 
In this episode I go deeper into how that false identity was created, how it keeps you from your real calling and how to start uncovering your TRUE identity! 
You will learn why your true identity is so hard to see and you will understand that your relationship with God is being hindered by the lies you are believing about yourself…hence the temptation to argue with God.  His view of your identity never changes.  He sees what you aren’t.
I share more of my story to give real life examples of where and how those lies and false beliefs find their way into our brains and cause us to think we are less than. 
You will understand the difference between self talk and secret self talk and the danger of it.  When we “put on” the lies we hear or tell ourselves, it takes strategic spiritual warfare to fight them! I will show you how to do that successfully in this episode.  
Even when you believe you are so far into a false identity that you don’t see anything redeeming of yourself and the enemy is fighting to keep you there, the Lord God Almighty can snatch you out of his teeth! 
After listening, you will walk away with a deeper understanding and belief that you were created for more and that your most powerful gifts are hidden when you are walking in a false identity. 
You will get the actual tools to reverse those beliefs and start walking in the REAL AUTHENTIC TRUTH of who God created you to be once and for all! This will allow you to uncover gifts you don’t even know you have! It might just blow your mind! 
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Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Do you believe that God has great plans for you? Do you ever feel like God’s great plans are meant for others, but maybe not for you? In today’s episode, Charisse continues the conversation on identity and purpose, providing tools to counteract the lies we often believe about ourselves. While affirmations are a positive tool, they alone will crumble against an attack from the enemy unless they are anchored in God’s Word. It often takes a profound, grounded faith to believe that God has created you for good and live differently as a result. Charisse reminds us that “It never takes faith to believe what’s false, but it does take faith to believe what’s true.” If you see yourself only as undeserving, then you’ll miss out on what God has gifted you with and how He intends to use those gifts for good.
In Hebrews 4:12, we read, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (NIV).” Charisse calls upon Christ-driven women to use the sword of Scripture in the battle against lies that tell us we aren’t worthy. Don’t pitch your tent in unworthiness; instead, find yourself rooted in the Father’s abounding love for you.
Connect with Charisse below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Have you ever felt a disconnect between how you feel about yourself and what God’s Word says about you? In today’s episode, Charisse teaches you how to retrain your brain and truly see yourself as wonderfully and as beautifully as God sees you. Charisse warns that your identity flows from what you believe about yourself, even if that is a false belief. We tend to see ourselves through the lenses of our careers, our families, or even our mistakes and failures. And yet, you have a cherished and secure identity as a daughter of Christ, one that was set aside when you were created. 
Charisse points us back to 1 Peter 2:9, which reads, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (NIV). Do you believe that God has a plan for those who know and love him? And do you believe that this applies to you as well? Regardless of your answer to those questions, Charisse encourages us to call upon the Lord and ask Him to reveal this truth to us: that we are chosen and created for a purpose. Success comes when our identities are first rooted in the One who knit together our hearts and calls us to follow Him. And as Charisse says, “We don’t need to know the how; we just need to know Him.”
Connect with Charisse below!
Charisse’s Personal Site

HOW CAN I? | Ep. 001

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

In this inaugural episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse Burton sets the groundwork by introducing who she was, who she thought she was, and how that has changed over time. She invites you to hear her story of profound obstacles and how she experienced a beautiful change after rooting her identity in Christ. Charisse is a walking testimony of Jesus’s transforming power and encourages us to trust that the Lord has a divine purpose for our lives. When we choose to live into our God-given identities, we can feel confident in stepping into the future, knowing that He will show up beside us. As Charisse has experienced firsthand, we are often capable of far more than we could imagine, as God has placed gifts inside us that are made known in His perfect timing. 
Charisse often asked herself, “How can I live into God’s calling for me?,” and now shares practical advice for other women struggling with the same question. This podcast is not about being the perfect Christ-driven woman, but about being a woman who chases after Jesus and listens for His voice. To hear God, we must be open and listening, and to believe God, we must take our negative thoughts and replace them with the truth given to us in Scripture. The dreams placed on your heart are there for a reason, but do you believe that God has even greater things in store for you?
Connect with Charisse below!
Charisse’s Personal Site


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