Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Because It Never Takes Faith to Believe What is False | Ep. 003

Do you believe that God has great plans for you? Do you ever feel like God’s great plans are meant for others, but maybe not for you? In today’s episode, Charisse continues the conversation on identity and purpose, providing tools to counteract the lies we often believe about ourselves. While affirmations are a positive tool, they alone will crumble against an attack from the enemy unless they are anchored in God’s Word. It often takes a profound, grounded faith to believe that God has created you for good and live differently as a result. Charisse reminds us that “It never takes faith to believe what’s false, but it does take faith to believe what’s true.” If you see yourself only as undeserving, then you’ll miss out on what God has gifted you with and how He intends to use those gifts for good.

In Hebrews 4:12, we read, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (NIV).” Charisse calls upon Christ-driven women to use the sword of Scripture in the battle against lies that tell us we aren’t worthy. Don’t pitch your tent in unworthiness; instead, find yourself rooted in the Father’s abounding love for you.


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