Tuesday May 07, 2024

Do You Argue With God? | Ep. 004

Do you ever argue with God? 

Is it hard for you to see past the lies you’ve been believing about yourself to the truth of who God created you to be? 

Do you see your future through the lens of a false identity? 

In this episode I go deeper into how that false identity was created, how it keeps you from your real calling and how to start uncovering your TRUE identity! 

You will learn why your true identity is so hard to see and you will understand that your relationship with God is being hindered by the lies you are believing about yourself…hence the temptation to argue with God.  His view of your identity never changes.  He sees what you aren’t.

I share more of my story to give real life examples of where and how those lies and false beliefs find their way into our brains and cause us to think we are less than. 

You will understand the difference between self talk and secret self talk and the danger of it.  When we “put on” the lies we hear or tell ourselves, it takes strategic spiritual warfare to fight them! I will show you how to do that successfully in this episode.  

Even when you believe you are so far into a false identity that you don’t see anything redeeming of yourself and the enemy is fighting to keep you there, the Lord God Almighty can snatch you out of his teeth! 

After listening, you will walk away with a deeper understanding and belief that you were created for more and that your most powerful gifts are hidden when you are walking in a false identity. 

You will get the actual tools to reverse those beliefs and start walking in the REAL AUTHENTIC TRUTH of who God created you to be once and for all! This will allow you to uncover gifts you don’t even know you have! It might just blow your mind! 

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