Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

When Your Answer Doesn't Look Like What You Think It "Should" | Ep. 012

Today I just get really REAL about how much I don’t like the fact that we have “trials of many kinds,” we are to consider pure joy.  James 1:2-4 has always made me nervous growing up, as has many verses that talk about going through trouble.  I thought if I read it or someone talked about it, that meant something bad was going to happen. I couldn’t even TOUCH the pages in the book of JOB.  My identity was in fear not in who God created me to be.  


When we KNOW OUR TRUE IDENTITY it really won’t matter what happens.  We can have joy in chaos as the song goes.  We can start to see beyond ourselves and realize that because God loves us so much we can trust Him even when the answer we are praying for doesn’t look like what we think it “should,” or when the hang-time between the leap of faith and the landing takes longer than we like.  We can KNOW “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28


When we truly know the root of our identity is in Christ we can have peace. 


That means getting real with ourselves and asking the questions: 

  • Am I praying with complete trust for the outcome or only seeing what I want?
  • Am I open to however God wants to answer this prayer?
  • Does it change who God is if the answer isn’t what I thought it would be?
  • How will I respond to God when I don’t understand the answer to my prayers? 
  • Where is my identity truly found?



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