Tuesday May 14, 2024

IDENTITY By Divine Design with Guest Stacey Prinzing | Ep. 005

In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse is joined by guest Stacey Prinzing Townley. Stacey is a speaker and course-creator who inspires women to connect with their Divine Design so they are able to align their daily decisions with their God-given purpose and create a living legacy. She shares her story of discovering her divinely created identity, and reminds listeners of the following truths:

  • When you find yourself being overworked and constantly striving, and you are being met with chaos and confusion, then you may not be living into the identity that God has for you.
  • You will experience peace and ease when you are walking in step with your Divine Design.
  • Your life is God’s story to write, so step closer to Christ, hand over the pen, and let Him take over.
  • The enemy is going to use your own negative thoughts to derail you from your divine purpose, so use Scripture to remind yourself of your worth as a child of God.

If you find yourself confused about your own Divine Design, Stacey and Charisse encourage you to focus first on aligning your choices and decisions with ones that honor Christ. Take a close look at your life and ask yourself: “Are the choices I’m making in alignment with the legacy that God has placed on my heart?” When we strive towards a goal or an identity that is not rooted in God’s design, we will only find ourselves exhausted. Instead, we must listen and look out for God’s unique direction for us, which will provide peace in place of confusion. 

Connect with Stacey through the link below!


Stacey Prinzing Townley - Facebook




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