Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

The Habits That Determine Your Identity | Ep. 014

Have you ever struggled with changing your habitual patterns of thinking? On today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse reminds listeners that our habitual negative thoughts have the power to determine our identity. If we aren’t careful, we can easily allow other beliefs get in the way of what God has already spoken over us. Charisse encourages women to focus on the following if we wish to undo destructive patterns of thinking:


  • It is the negative thought that becomes the habit that then becomes the belief
  • Our negative beliefs about ourselves actually can become true because we are already acting as if they are true
  • In order to bring your true identity back to light, you must change your pattern of thinking so that you can change the pattern in your habits
  • You have to do something different to get something different -- thus, you also have to think something different to keep something different
  • If we let the enemy replace the truth of who God says we are with what the world says is important (e.g. motherhood, a career, relationship status, etc.), we will lose ourselves


What habitual thought have you internalized that doesn’t align with what God says about you? It isn’t an easy task to retrain your brain with truth, but you must do the work if you want to get closer to your heavenly Father and closer to your true identity. Before you can know WHO you are, you must become familiar with WHOSE you are, and He is ready to show you.

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