Tuesday May 28, 2024

What is Your "Money Identity" | Ep. 007

What kinds of things come to mind when you think about money? Do you begin to feel anxious, fearful, or even envious? In today’s episode, Charisse speaks on “money identity,” and shares her own experience of fear and anxiety when it came to making money. Your money identity is simply how you perceive and react to money without even realizing it. It is essential to understand your own perception of money, whether you are a business owner, a corporate employee, a mother, or all of the above. Charisse reminds us of the following:

  • Our internalized identities affect all areas of our lives, including our management of money
  • God gave us the ability to create wealth, but when our money identity is one of scarcity, lack, and fear, we quickly establish an unhealthy relationship with the money we make
  • If your money identity is not aligned with Christ and only dependent on yourself, you will get to a point in your business where you will hit a wall and begin to self-sabotage
  • When we are holding onto false identities, it limits our ability to walk closer to God and fully live in royalty as daughters of the King

If you are ready to improve your relationship with money, take some time to quiet down and ask the Lord, “What is my identity with money?” It is then that you can ask Him, “Where did that identity start?,” and begin to undo unhealthy patterns that are preventing you from moving to the next level in your business, increasing your income, or using your money in a way that allows you peace and glorifies God.


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