Tuesday May 21, 2024

Why YOUR IDENTITY Will Make or Break Your Success | Ep. 006

Have you ever believed a lie about your identity, despite knowing what God really says about you? Has negative self-talk ever steered you away from an area in which God was calling you? In today’s episode of The Christ-Driven Woman, Charisse brings us back to the foundation of how we grow, and reminds listeners that we must attack the enemy’s lies with Godly truth. Your identity dictates your perception, which then flows into every area of your life. But just as a negative or false self-identity can harm your personal life and business pursuits, an identity rooted in God can be a catalyst for things you never thought possible.


But if you don’t know what it means to be fully walking in the identity that God gave you, how do you know where to start? To answer this, Charisse shares what she believes to be the four most important areas of growth and belief in identity and business. 


  1. What you believe about God
  2. What you believe about yourself
  3. What you believe about your job or offer
  4. What you believe about your dream client and those you’re called to serve


These four essential tenets will make or break your success in your personal and professional life, because the answers to them all stem from your perception of your identity. Charisse reminds us that you will never grow past what you believe you can achieve, but the good news is, the only barrier is your own self doubt. It isn’t just about being a positive person, but about knowing why you can be positive: because you have a loving Father who sees you, calls you by name, and gives you everything you need to achieve BIG! 

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